Statement of Faith

We believe: the Bible is the inspired, infallible and holy Word of God.

We believe: in one God, triune in character, and eternally existing in three equal Persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe: in the God-man Jesus Christ. In His position within the Trinity as God “the Son”. In His human incarnation and supernatural virgin birth. In His vicarious sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. In His sufferings on the Cross and in hell. In His resurrection from the dead and in the cleansing power of His shed blood. In His Heavenly ministry as a High Priest on behalf of all those who exercise faith in His Word.

We believe: that the redemptive work of salvation is universal. God is not willing that anyone should perish. His eternal desire is to save the entire human race contingent to the following fact, “they must willingly accept the vicarious work of Christ.” Those who call upon the Name of the Lord by a free act of their will, and repent from their sins, shall be saved from wrath.

We believe: in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as being a separate occurrence from the initial experience of being just born-again. That all those who ask the Father will be baptized (filled) with the fire and power of the Holy Ghost. That the infilling of the Spirit empowers us to trust God for His supernatural blessings, enables us to live a victorious life, and gives us the ability to raise above satanic opposition. That the evidence of being filled with the Holy Ghost is the ability to speak in supernatural tongues not understood by the mind of the believer. We believe in the five-fold ministry and in the nine gifts of the Spirit, given for the edification of the Church.

We believe: that the baptism of water is God’s commandment for the Church. It is symbolic and gives evidence of the believer being identified with Christ in His crucifixion, death and resurrection from the dead.

We believe: that physical healing, mental deliverance and circumstantial provision are all included in the redemption of the believer. They are given to all those who exercise faith in God’s Word.

We believe: that God’s Will for every believer is to live a holy life abstaining from every form of evil. Experiencing true repentance and forsaking sin are the only means to fellowship with God and grow spiritually.

We believe: in the Rapture of the Church and in the coming Millennium reign of Christ with His saints.

We believe: that after physical death the righteous souls ascend into Heaven and go to their eternal reward, while those who die in their sins go to an intermediate place of judgment called hell. Eventually, the humans’ souls in hell, together with the devil and his angels, will be all thrown into the lake of brimstone and fire and there they shall be tormented forever.